HomeAll Men Aren’t Dogs
Men Don’t get the help they need. FACT.
The male crisis, the silent suffers who take matters in to won hands and make up the overriding fact that men commit suicide maki8ng up 76 percent of suicides.
Dogging men
We are in an age where we have gone full circle in many things and come out empowered and evolved, and then in other cases we have raised one side and demonised the other.
Dogging men.
I am and mental healthy professional specialising in men’s mental health, I’d see women however my primary focus is the emotional and mental wellbeing of men.
Why because men are the underdogs when it come to emotional, mental care.
Because we have been raised to believe that they should bot need it.
I have explained why me do this in the video attached. https://youtu.be/USjUK_bhYOk
~But the problem I think pushes men into an unhealthy negative demonised corner is the demonising of men, dogging men for being men.
It is so common to see videos being posted about men being cheaters, freeloaders, and some of the worse things that society has to offer.
Now we are all capable of those things. But what I do see and find very interesting is that it seem`s to be a trend at the moment particularly on social media.
We have particular self-made, male and female gurus ripping to shreds the characters of men and forming groups, herds of women. Why because quite frankly a lot of these self-made gurus as charlatans looking to make a name for themselves and use the most relevant hot topic to support their quest to stardom, thy ear not trying to help you instead they are helping themselves. https://anchor.fm/disreeshaw/episodes/Birthing-M-A-M-A-e8tvuo/a-a5g0o6
Male bashing often conducted by those hurt by a man. Now just because you have been hurt by a man or many men does not mean that all men are that way.
We have to take responsibility for our own actions and not seek to blame for the hurt that we expose ourselves to.
There are bad people out there is bith sexes none is worse than the other.
I ehar a lot of men and women speak and what turns my stomach is when either bash the other. But why do we do this. For our own gratification.
But the problem with bashing men is this. We back men into a corner. We already know that we impair them in societal terms by toxic masculinity. We know that emotions are not supported for the learning for men. We cut them off, then we hang them out to dry.
How does it help to berate a man because he is a man? What is the lesson for men when the consensus is that they are mean selfish, controlling and cheats?
Where and how did this come about.
A lot of women do skirt their responsibility when it comes to recognising their part in the treatment of men. Mothers, aunts, grandmothers. men are not born into this world alone, their behaviours have to be learned somewhere.
We ignore the suffering of men because they are men. https://youtu.be/Yg0mXkMTRTc
Sexual trauma
Trust issues
It is as if we are bashing men because they appear to have it so easy, but how much of it is because us women are not taking responsibility for our actions.
Being a feminist has nothing to do with bashing men, it is about equality, recognising that we as women can strive and be recognised equally for our abilities and worth in society.
But when did we get here, to this place that men are all bad and need to be taught a very stern lesson just because they are men.
For years womenhave suffered at the hands of men but we are no onger there when does the bashing end and to wht end.
Are we going to be satisfied when all men cower and cradle themselves, relinquishing their manliness to the hands of women.
The self made gurus profiting off the old regime of thinking, “all men are dogs” syndrome.
When do we take accountability that we as women seem to be lying around in dog kennels picking up those dogs. Point is if you don’t want a dog then don’t frequent activities which will get you onw.
There are bad men and bad women, neither is worse than the other. But the new extremely indulged participations of empowerment for women seems to have got the message misconstrued along the way.
We don’t have to knock men down in order to feel empowered, that is not empowerment.
For a person to ridicule your oppressor in order for you to feel good is not setting you free.
Setting you free is unadulterated empowerment, understanding and recognising your ability to soar and rise about the crap that oence pulled you down. Not to ick holes and shame blame.
SO if you are a man or a woman reading this, I hope that the message is clear, men are not dogs, we as a society are the ones who transcend that. We are hurting the future of our men by claiming these over tired rerun sound bites.