What is a Overcompensating Bully?

Put simply a bully is someone who overcompensates for their very own short giving’s.

It is a classic tale of someone who is hurting on the inside and projects their pain onto those weaker or perceived less abled than them.

When a bully overcompensates they often become very obnoxious rube, abusive and all-knowing and all seeing.

I have had a lot of encounters with bullies in my time and have come to recognise the pattern.

Sometimes we don’t even realise that we have a over compensateng bully in our midst, because they often are disguised as friends, people we trust and those in a position we feel we need to have them in.

Bullies are extremely manipulative, they need the attention of others so that they can feel worthy and needed.

They have to put you down whether it is indirectly or blatant.

One thing you can count on for sure, is that a bully will never tell you how well you are doing, but expect you to honour their strengths even if only self-proclaimed.

Bullies are not necessarily loud and physical, sometimes they are subtle and humiliating.  They may tell lies on you and trigger you to feel insecure and worthless and in need of them.

The difficulty is proving bullying.

Never get into the trap of having to prove that you have been bullied, ins tead sate clearly how intimidated you felt and provide the recount of the scenario,  see a bully needs you to feel less able.  What they do is chip away at your self esteem casing you to doubt yourself over and over again. They are at their core weak and in fear of your sunrise. 

Problem is, you actually don’t know that the bully needs you.

The overcompensate for all their lows and blame everyone without taking responsibility.

They are that loud mouth proclaiming that they are the best, they will even say words to that effect.  “I am the best” and that may be true when it comes to lying to. themselves.

The overcompensating bully surrounds themselves with those they deem weak so that they can claw into them at any time in order to feel strong.

A vicious cycle as the bully claws their way in, the victim becomes more defenceless to their antics. Often the victim is none the wiser until it is way too late.

Taking time to recognise why and how they operate is a key skill in protecting yourself against the Overcompensating bully.

How do you do this, I hear you ask.

Well that is another blog and video all together.

Identifying Traits and Impact of a Bully
Article Name
Identifying Traits and Impact of a Bully
A bully is someone who habitually intimidates, harms, or dominates others through physical, verbal, or emotional aggression and coercion.